I am
that I am.


Clarity of a lawyer, compassion of a healer


I have been a spiritual teacher and healing facilitator for what feels like many lifetimes.

My formative years at university sparked an interest in the human conditioning. I was obsessively curious about “why are we here; what does it mean; who am I?”  While studying psychology, I gravitated towards the legal profession to defend those who society had never given a fair chance to.  I wanted to be a cause in a matter of transformation. Becoming a death row defense attorney allowed me to see pain and suffering, but also hope and redemption.  

I was an advocate, their comrade in fighting for inner peace.  Against all odds, I encouraged my clients to see their humanity.  I provided hope by holding space. I listened when no one else would.  Then I told their story.  I fiercely advocated for the Oneness in all of us.  That what we do to our brother, we do to ourselves.  Let us see each other as more than the worst thing we have ever done. For fifteen years I was in the trenches as a trial lawyer. Fighting for life.

Every life has turning points.  As I soared past each societal milestone, I was confused by the emptiness I felt inside. No matter how successful I was on the outside, I felt caged in on the inside. Unfulfilled. As time passed, I struggled to get out of bed; I didn’t care to eat.  I woke up everyday thinking “what’s the worst thing that is going to happen today?” I was spiraling into a hole of self-destruction. And I had no idea how to deal with my emotions, or even how to feel. I had years of repressed anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt masked by a great life on the outside.

I felt my deepest fears of insignificance erupting; my soul was starving for wholeness, and I couldn’t feed it. I tried therapy, and I could bullshit my way out of it. I kept myself in victimhood, blaming everyone and everything around me for my unhappiness. I even started to question whats the purpose of life. Something is wrong with me. I just can’t seem to figure it out and find peace. I was lost. Felt alone and wanted to scream from the mountain top that I needed help.

It was in this heaviness that I found my answer. A whisper to visit the motherland — India — to break the compounding darkness within me and give light to my role as a healing facilitator, and spiritual teacher.

Mother India brought me to my knees. I did my own deep work (a work that constantly continues on my Path). I was gently nudged towards love and liberation.  From North to South India, I transmuted what no longer serves.  My teachers pushed me forward into destruction, in time for a rebirth.  The world as I knew it was gone.  In its place, I had unbecome everything I thought was me.I I understood my emotions as a guidance system for my highest good.   

Awakening my own Ananda.  My blissful state of being.  I confirmed and refined my purpose as a bridge to connect the practical and spiritual, right and left brain, the masculine and feminine energies.

Our work is transcendence.   I work energetically and consciously.  I hold a space for emotional intimacy.  Together, we take a deep dive so you may go beyond this plane of existence - and merge with something greater than yourself.  I am not afraid of your darkness. I have known my own.


the spiritual prescription

As you seek, you will find.

To fully become who we are, we must surrender to the timing of our soul’s expansion. We may not get what we want when we want it, but we always receive exactly what we need. This means everything is a reward of your highest evolution and never a punishment.

You can become the butterfly and the phoenix.  You will evolve. You will rise.

You have  been guided here for a reason.
You are ready to look inside your own heart.
You are ready for true transcendence

I am a doula for your REBIRTH. My heartfelt desire is to hold the light as you cross the bridge to expanded consciousness. To hold space for you to emerge with love, compassion, and thoughtfulness.

Together we can heal.  Love and live. Live and love.

As a metamorphic practitioner, I ease doubts and untangle each confusion, We return to the presence your highest vibration of being, exactly as it’s designed to unfold.

The healing relationship is sacred. 
I am honoured to share this journey with you.
Thank you for the gift of sharing space.


Priya is a trauma survivor, certified trauma-informed coach, somatic experiencing practitioner, and educator with a mission to help others reclaim their power, reject shame, and walk boldly toward a life of balance, freedom, and joy.

Priya is also a Certified Master Results Coach, Trainer, and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) [ABNLP], a Board Designated Master Practitioner of Timeline Therapy® (TLT) [TLTA], and a Board Designated Instructor of Hypnotherapy [ABH].

Priya is also a Magnified Healing Master Teacher, Reiki Master in a traditional lineage, Yoga teacher, certified Energy Healer, and Spiritual Seeker and Teacher.

Awaken Ananda is a Board- board-certified training Institute that offers certifications in over 38 countries.

With a simple, straightforward, and down-to-earth approach, Priya blends science, spirit, heart, energy, and psychology to help you get results you’ve been looking for and haven’t found.

We work with the mind, the body, the heart and the soul.

In addition to my own deep and years-long healing journeys (which is the best training I could ask for)...I have worked with thousands of clients one-on-one in healing and group facilitation sessions.


Eastern Philosophy & Vedanta


Somatic Experiencing


Inner Child Healing

Energy Healing

Emotional Intelligence


Experiential Learning

Embodied Leadership

Psychology (Developmental, Positive, Intrapersonal, Transpersonal, Evolutionary, Cognitive)

Time Line Therapy

Magnified Healing

MASTER Results Coaching

MASTER Neuro Linguistic Programming TRAINER

Conflict Management

Yoga Teacher Training

Esoteric Wisdom


Bach Flower Therapy Practitioner

Essential Oils Practitioner

Huna Philosophy and Ho’oponopono

Sri Vidya and the Divine Feminine 

Master Hypnotherapy Trainer


This experience was not forged from a few weekend seminars and a handful of online courses.

The Awaken Ananda Experience is the best there is because I’ve put my entire life into this work AND I AM DEEPLY COMMITTED TO SERVING HUMANITY AND HELPING THE AWAKENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

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My training allows me to offer authentic and undiluted lineage-based techniques and rituals.  No two coaching/healing sessions are the same. I tap into the energy of each client to allow the proper “spiritual prescription” to arise - with the intention that the highest good of each soul is realized.  

In each session, one can expect ancient and time-tested healing techniques, yoga, and shamanism along with the most cutting-edge mind body tools we have with NLP and Hypnosis.

As we incorporate Eastern philosophy, therapeutic techniques, sound healing, essential oils, mantras, crystals, breath work and guided meditations, my entire toolbox has one purpose- your MAGNIFICENCE.

After each session, you may leave with affirmations, yogic teachings, suggested readings and other ancient knowledge.  Each layer will continue to provide you Light on your path - as healing is an inside job.


Listen to Episode 1 of the Awaken Ananda Podcast

Priya shares her life story and spiritual journey, from rock bottom to awakening, with Unbecoming Podcast host, Phoebe Mroczek. 


Praise for Awaken Ananda


The Role
of the Healer

When aligned, a healer helps clarify each stage of our journey; helping to unravel beliefs in fear to reveal a bigger cosmic picture, where each and everything that happens to us only invokes a change for the better. If a spiritual journey is like a vision quest, then as healers we are the faithful, wise, and loving space holders for the healing already underway.

Our work is multi-layered and multi-dimensional on each level: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. Just like a doula’s job is to accompany and guide the delivery of a baby and not give birth for an expectant mother --  a transformational healer exists to ease all doubts, untangle each confusion. Our role is to help return someone to the presence and innocence of their naturally aligned state of being.  At whatever speed is destined for it to unfold.

A healer herself is also on a journey of ever-increasing consciousness and evolution.  For me, playing a spiritual role is not higher than any other role in service. When we are pure of heart, we yearn to serve those in need. Whatever is needed, whether appearing spiritual or not, is joyfully provided without judgment or comparison.

Lokah  Samastah 
Sukhino  Bhavantu

Lokah  Samastah  Sukhino  Bhavantu in Sanskrit means "May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all."

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Bestselling Author

IGNITE FEMALE CHANGE MAKERS, a compilation of stories and life lessons from women who are the best in their industry and live a fulfilled professional and private life. The book includes information and life skills contributed by fifty passionate and driven women who seek to help you succeed in your life like they have succeeded in theirs.

The modern world is filled with upheaval and uncertainty. In a time where stress is high and satisfaction is low, FEMALE CHANGE MAKERS comes as a welcome beacon of positivity and inspiration. The book is filled with poignant and yet relatable scenarios and writing that is simple and moving. FEMALE CHANGE MAKERS is a testament to Ignite’s mantra of positivity and empowerment This new book, featuring insights into entrepreneurship, living life to its fullest potential and dealing with stress, negativity and self-doubt. It is an invaluable treasure trove of practical, hands-on advice from an author team gathering their varied expertise in one single book. The book is also filled with actionable goals to implement and easy to follow strategies that contribute to making reading the book an interactive experience.