Surrendering to what is

I’m leaning more and more into REAL surrender towards the direction my life wants to take. Unlike ever before. Mexico has created a soft space for these hard curves. I have been here for 6 weeks now.

I woke up to an earthquake here a few days ago. A reminder that control is an illusion. When the Mother calls, we all surrender.

I choose to allow myself to feel the breeze as the guidance system. Resisting the urge to plan the days. Letting the wind guide me. Following the birds to magical places.

In my client work, this allows for a more complete presence as I share what trust in life feels like. One to one we unravel how so many of us have white-knuckled life. Thinking we can manipulate the weather, or resist the wind.

Surrender can only come after we get out of victimhood, and it’s even past personal empowerment. πŸ¦‹

Surrender burns bright only once we know ourselves, and accept ourselves. πŸ”₯

Once we understand we are not what we think...then we can truly tune in to the Earth and her rhythm. Into our Soul and her pattern. Into our heart and its beat.

For then, and only then, we can let go of expectations and outcomes. We can let go of ingrained unconscious patterns to hold on to life with clenched fists.In surrender, we do not resist the direction of the clouds. ✨We know that always, in all ways, we are guided to the right place at the right time. πŸ’ƒπŸΌ

From this place, the flow of love seems to dance with the elements of earth, air, fire, water, and ether. Alchemy reminds me that I am nature and that nature always knows best, without my human mind to interfere.
When I look up at the clouds and feel the breeze on my face, I surrender to the love all around. To the perfect rhythm of all things.

To the knowing that I am able to receive (without resistance) what is coming to me for my highest good. 🌴

Priya Lakhi