Claim Your Cosmic Purpose

The picture is from my morning walk here in Oaxaca City, Mexico. What a charming town that has stolen a piece of my heart.

I feel myself coming into a beautiful rhythm walking amongst the bright colors.

Whatever traumas our subtle energy bodies have been through, they can be brought back into balance. These “traumas” are only vehicles that the Soul processes its human experiences.

Every experience we have had - even the ones we label as "bad" - are important in our spiritual journey.

It is our responsibility to become a parent to the little girl (little self AKA ego) inside of us. To remind ourselves that we are safe, loved, and not alone - just like we would a child.

Choose to let GO of all that we are programmed to feel is true - the insecurities, fears, lack of self-worth - all that we project onto others. You can choose RIGHT NOW to release it all. It can be that simple.

We have never been abandoned by the Great Spirit, rather we have chosen to explore the adventure of being alive.

Thus it is imperative the stories we believe - what we tell ourselves about who we are and our relationships to traumas and the world.

It is our cosmic Purpose to RECLAIM & REMEMBER who we really are.

The purpose of our lives is not about vocation. It’s not about “legacy or impact.” That is about the Ego, which is not who we really are.

Our soul is always working with us, we are an indestructible union. The life we are living now is but an extension of our divine Light Being that has decided to extend itself into the world of form.

We are not alone. The Light never abandons us. It is in everything and everywhere around us.

Let the blinders fall from your eyes. Lift the veil.

Priya Lakhi