Healing the Womb in Mexico

The last few weeks have been intense in Mexico.

I have been brought to my knees as I dive into my own karma, my own patterns.

Understanding the roles (the masks) I play in my own life. I am currently in the process of understanding deep trauma in my womb. In my feminine essence.

Wow, what a potent portal the womb is.

I am in complete surrender to this gateway.

The womb is such a powerful center of energy in women and carries with it so much wisdom, grace, and secrecy.

I have wanted to be even more wild and free, and yet I don’t know how to do this without the guidance of my womb.

So, in a safe group space, with other soul sisters, I have for the first time in my life listened to my womb and allowed her to awaken and share her deep pain.

I am processing trauma. I am nourishing with herbs. I am feeling intense sadness.

I cracked open the blocks that are preventing me from flowering, blooming, and living from the power off my womb.

I am inching my way towards the next evolution of who I AM

Wondering how much more healing there could possibly be...and then remembering I am powerful beyond measure.

I have many old scripts I keep playing out with the masculine energies in my life - Partners. Father. Brother. Friends. Lovers.

Looking at the men in my life to somehow make me feel LOVED in a way that I have lost myself - and remembering it is not their responsibility to feed my ego.

Old stories/scripts keep popping up into my awareness these last few weeks...

that sounds like...."I am not wanted. I am not worthy. I am not pretty enough/thin enough/young enough/loved enough. No one sees me for me. No one understands me wholly and fully. No one encourages me to be ALL OF ME."

I AM NOT ENOUGH! Whew. What a powerful hold this story has had on my life filled with generations of self-sabotaging patterns all stored in my womb.

The past few weeks I have been UNBECOMING these remaining self-limiting and self-sabotaging energies.

What we resist, persists...and so time after time these last few weeks, I was called to face these old stories.

The deep release that occurs when I face my own Truth is soul release work - it sets me FREE. The deeper the pain, the deeper the release.

I reclaim parts of myself when I remember the pain, shame, blame, rage, fear, anger, frustration, and love too.

Mexico has been a call into the wild woman that is shaking just beyond the surface as she is about to be RESURRECTED.

That wise and untamed woman is pushing hard for her birth.
She has been dancing in the shadows for too long.

She has waited for years for my small self to remember her potent medicine.

She is drumming so loud I can no longer ignore her cries. The magickal organ of the womb is SPEAKING - and I have no choice but to listen.

Liberation. Freedom. Grace. Faith. I thought I had been living these energies.

Then Mexico happened....and I had to face if I was walking my talk. If I was dancing to the beat of my own drum.

Wow, so much more to share here.

For now, welcome to the DAWN of this awe-filled and magikal remembering.

I am grateful to witness myself become MORE of who I have dreamed of becoming. I am grateful to witness myself connect to my body and my womb.

The wild woman is ready to be FREE.

I look forward to sharing with you this GATEWAY. The womb is a potent portal that is waiting to be unlocked.

Priya Lakhi