When you wish upon a star

The Star presents us with one of the most beautiful and enchanting of all Symbols. The Star symbolizes : Aspiration, Inspiration, Imagination, Wonder, Dreams, Pursuits, Magic (the Magical), Creative Brilliance and Divine Guidance.

Many of us who have driven through, or camped out in, remote areas away from city lights have experienced an entirely different night sky than the one we experience when we are within, or near,a city. The number of Stars that can be seen in a remote area at night seems Infinite. We experience an awe-inspiring and breath-taking view of the real night sky that is always above us.

This is the same immense and awe-inspiring night sky that AncientCultures experienced, and lived under, for millennia. It is theMajestic "Canopy of the Heavens" referred to in Ancient Texts and Symbols.

This Canopy consisted of not only an Infinite number of fixed-Stars, but also Shooting-Stars, comets, meteors, and the Seven"Wanderers". The Seven Wanderers are the five visible planets plus the sun and the moon. This infinite night sky provided the inspiration for their legends and mythologies.

The Ancient Egyptians aligned their temples, monuments, and buildings so as to be in harmony with certain Stars. ✨

An Alignment Ceremony called the "Stretching of the Cord" was performed prior to the construction of their buildings. This Ceremony aligned and harmonized by sound waves the placement of that particular building with a specific Star.

The Symbolism of The Star is a reminder to us that we can embrace all the wonder, beauty and enchantment which the Star represents. We merely have to "reach out" for our special Star and allow It to "steer" us to our Dreams. We can “stretch our cord” to the cosmos and remind ourselves how vast the field of possibility really is.

Instead of a saying “I cant do that!” A Star reminds me to ask “how can I do that?” - it’s a whole different question that opens up a new way of thinking and feeling.

Always keep in mind the immortal words of Jiminy Cricket, "When you wish upon a Star, makes no difference who you are...”The Ancient Egyptians aligned their temples, monuments, and buildings so as to be in harmony with certain Stars. ✨

Priya Lakhi