Claim your cosmic purpose

Personal development does not bring peace. 🔥

When we only focus on improving how we think, act, and feel, without cosmic laws we only touch the surface of true peace.

We do not need another “new years resolution” - another goal list, or 5-year plan. We do not need to know how to gain abundance. How to create “more” for me (and not you) from a place of ego.

When we create from this place of personality then we will only create in the lower frequencies. When we create from a place that is seeking validation, acknowledgment, fame, and leaving a legacy of “this is how I want to be remembered” - we create from the small space. This type of creation bandwidth will not include the higher self-frequency vibrations, which have access to the infinite intelligence of the Divine mind of cosmic consciousness.

We are not trying to master our human experience so it is more effective and efficient. We are not called to control our mindset so we can achieve even more. We are not meant to study the science of the brain so we can continue to live in our lower mind.

We are here to transcend the human motivations, so we may fully take inspired action from our divine intelligence.

Every advancement in the study of the science of the brain allowed humans to separate from each other. We lost our oneness. We started to believe we are only the mind.

We have lost touch with nature. We have lost touch with our higher self. We have questioned if there is a God within, and our sciences started to exist without cosmic laws, and that has led to a personal development industry that is focusing on being a “better human mind” vs. remembering our deeper Truths.

Our God-self is always present. Our intention for “growth” can be to get closer to this essence. We are not meant to always “go after something” - can we see through our mind manipulations?

We do not need to be drowning in achievement when we are aware of cosmic purpose.

When we can let go of the business plans, the resolutions, the quarterly reports, the planned launches - perhaps then we can see how as an instrument of the divine mind we are always in the right place, at the right time. 🕊💜

Inspired action dancing…

Priya Lakhi