The Great Conjunction

Much has been said about today - the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. Both planets join together on the Solstice, December 21, merging as One at 0° Aquarius.

My quest is to have my attention and intention be on "what am I thinking" during this time of potent and open energy.

♥️ Our thoughts create our reality, and so no ritual/ceremony/meditation is important if my thinking is stuck in old patterns of limitation and duality.

How can I operate from my Heart-consciousness fully and completely? How can I truly BE vs. Do? How can I fully surrender? 🕊

These are the questions I ponder as the "star of Bethlehem" signs bright in the night sky tonight.✨

How can my thoughts set me FREE?

Where am I placing my attention for the rest of the days when we are not in this "great conjunction?" That is a powerful reminder remember that my thoughts tomorrow are just as important as today.

Here is what I is only necessary if I believe in something other than my own divinity. Faith is only necessary if I feel I have been abandoned by my divine & human self. 🔥

I set faith FREE.

As I lovingly say YES to life purpose, I activate in me the energy of creation as a divine being that is always in the right place, at the right time. I welcome the adventure of being alive.

No intention on this grand day... other than to be in perfect service to my higher self, to my soul, and to surrender to the I AM that I AM. For the grand mission is so so much more than my small mind can “intend.”

💥 What has been born in me that is of the greatest value to the Shift?

It is now in our capacity to build a world of unimaginable opportunity for all people. Anything is possible.

Can we believe it before we see it?

I visualize the highest possible outcome for all. Where we are not practicing spirituality...but we KNOW we are an infinite FREE SPIRIT and faith is not a necessary thought.

Priya Lakhi