The world I once was in will shed its skin

How to be more supple - bending and moving more gracefully. I’ve been in inquiry around this.

How to be oriented in a disorienting moment? How to face hardships we didn’t ask for or don’t necessarily deserve? How to expand into the initiation of the divine beyond the thresholds I know?

Supple means that I can be closer to what’s REAL and also allow for all the emotions to arise.

Supple gradually nudges for opening when the human inside wants to close down.

Supple means deepening into power no matter the complexities of feelings and paradox’s in it.

Supple desires I accept all that is here AND welcome the opportunity to be resourced here. Not just coping. Resourcing is different.

Resourcing comes from not figuring it out. Resourcing knows that no matter what the intensity, it does not accept betraying myself to cope with fears, insecurities or the avoid-dance of discomfort.

Resourcing in suppleness presents as: can I dilate, drop, ground, and open?

A widening is such a potent power in the female body. We dilate to birth. We cycle. We work with life and death monthly.

Suppleness provides a different type of rhythm. We want to touch into an ancient knowing, it’s not a knowing of the mind. We can step out of the manipulation of entrapment of the past rhythm of needing acceptance.

The goddess keeps widening through so what needs to move can move. Rather than grip against the pain and intensity, she requires the skin to shed in subtle movements, intentional slithering, dilating, birthing.

When I am supple, I don’t need to figure it out. I can widen open and be. I ground in my sacred bowl. I become aware of what is behind me, around me & center myself in and down towards my power center.

I can supple gracefully through this purification process and trust this is the creator, creating itself. All of it is God.

What I was will always fall apart. The world I once was in will shed its skin. And the new shores will appear as long as I don’t abandon myself.

I choose to dilate and let life flow into and through me.

I serve Life. I serve Her. I rest in the suppleness of her womb allowing a deeper intimacy with myself. There is a lot of mercy for us. One ❤️

Priya Lakhi