Follow the red thread

There was a time in my life a few years ago when I had given up on myself. I hated life and I desperately wanted to feel joy. I lived for many years with the belief that “nothing ever goes my way.”

And I could prove it to myself.

Time after time of life experiences had convinced me of my victimhood. That I just wasn’t meant to have my dreams. I must not be deserving.

Being a lawyer means I was too good at arguing against myself….instead of FOR myself. My programming was beyond self-critical and self-judgmental.

And I would use my false self to project an ego that no one would know. Kept living one way on the outside and a complete messy pile of energy on the inside. I could bullshit the best of them.

Until it just had to stop. I was exhausted. It was either I had to stop living or I start feeling. Either I fight for my heart or I stop it from beating.

I longed for more. I knew in my bones there was a woman who could claw her way into liberation.

And it was that red thread I followed.

I gave myself “one last chance” to go to India to heal, and that was the best decision I have ever been led to and followed through on. Jai Ma. 🙏🏾❤️

This picture is taken the day I finished my second yoga teacher training in India. This isn’t some “social media pose” -this is a woman at peace with herself for the first time ever. A woman who continues to choose life day after day. A woman who knows her embodied healing will always lead her to surrender to ALL that is.

I can feel what it looks like to be on the other side of being my own worst enemy.

My God, it took me on my knees for years to get here. It was so hard, in the beginning, to break free.

The depth of pain and fear that I was holding onto was life-depleting on so many levels.

I continue this journey with so much love for this version of myself that took the long road back home.

Thank you, my beloved, for healing ourselves back to life. It was pure grace that took us from “nothing ever goes my way” to “everything is available for you.” 💃🏼🔥

This picture came across my phone randomly this morning and prompted this post. I am so proud of you, Priya. Thank you for fighting for our life. I love you. ❤️

I am beyond grateful I now have the opportunity to support other women through this awakeing journey - what a gift to share every doorway that has opened to me with you.

Priya Lakhi